Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is Rock U for You?

You know Rock U is for you if...

10. You have ever written the words "be a rockstar" on a list of things you hope to become, of dreams to fulfill, or a bucket list of things to experience, but you don't have the time/energy/money to invest in instruments, band formation, fame, fortune, touring, etc...

9. You own an air guitar, pound on your steering wheel drums, or use your hairbrush as a microphone.

8. You can kick your kids butt on Guitar Hero or Rock Band for wii.

7. You have ever dressed like Gene Simmons or Tina Turner or Madonna for Halloween. As an adult.

6. Your kids beg you to stop singing Justin Bieber in the car. Or at home. Or in front of their friends.

5. You have ever licked your air guitar while playing it.

4. The last time you took any time for yourself, iit was in the grocery store at 12am for an emergency bag of diapers/infant Tylenol/teething gel.

3. You have a busy life and want to find a fun, meaningful, exciting outlet to relive stress and relate to other adults in a creative collaborative environment.

2. You are looking for cool new friends and desire to pick up a rad new skill in the processs.

1. Music is in your soul and your soul is hungry.

Rock U is an adult Rock Band Camp Class that meets once a week for 8 weeks, to come together as a band to learn a few songs, practice chords and harmony, grow as artists and humans, acquire new skills, and experience self discovery in a fun and empowering environment.

Even if you've NEVER PICKED UP an instrument and aren't sure you have a musical bone in your body, you will find yourself amazed at what you are capable of. You will be guided by experienced instructors who will also act as your band coach to form a cohesive and musical bond and help you overcome any doubts and fears you might have.

Best of all, it's fun!

Enrollment is open now, and space is filling up! Call (503) 282-9999 or visit our website right away to secure your spot in the band! We are waiting for you!!! Your time is now!! Claim it!!!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Add Groove to Your Daily Grind

Music and it's affect on human behavior and emotions has long been studied and proven to be quite connected.  Music adds drama and tension to movies, keeps you patient and calm while on hold (though, it usually results in quite an opposite reaction...), keeps you running at the gym, inspires you to get up and dance at the club (or the grocery store if you find the right place to shop), and if you've ever been a teenager you know that sometimes music has helped you get through a rough time in your life. 

On an instinctual level, mothers know to sing softly to their newborns to soothe them.  Culturally, music is a powerful tool to bring people together from different social groups to connect and relate to each other.

Music has also been shown by decades of research to benefit child development in the areas of speech, cognitive abilities, memory, pattern recognition, reasoning, and in later years has been shown to impact better math study outcomes, no matter the socioeconomic status of the children studied.  Psychologically, music has been shown to improve mental well being, and is used in Music Therapy to help patients fighting a myriad of disabilities and diseases, including Alzheimer's, stress, substance abuse, even mothers in labor understand the power of music to assist in coping with pain!

Music is simply vital to humanity.

When you engage in music education, you are evoking all of music's powerful tools to create a more balanced, calm, centered, happy and fulfilling life.  For some people, it's a way to stay connected to themselves in a busy lifestyle full of commuting and meetings and expectations.  For others, they are inspired to pick up a new skill or fulfill a lifelong dream.  Some people who pick up music lessons and take music classes are simply curious people who want more out of life.  Whatever your motivation is, the outcome can be simply an amazing experience that you can feel right away.

Children can experience these same results in their own lives, bustling with sports and school and homework and social struggles.  Kids are under tremendous stress!  Music is an avenue to self expression and awareness that can lead to greater confidence, sharper focus, and by the's FUN! 

A child inspired by passion and motivated by creativity is a person who can move mountains!!

At Sound Roots, we strive to provide a safe place to start musical journeys at any level and at any age.  We believe that music has the power to heal and connect and is the most amazing catalyst for personal growth that we've seen. 

What is your musical journey?  Have you started it yet?  Do you know a young person who seems to be intrinsically connected to music and wants to start their own journey?

Independent private lessons and group classes are starting soon!  Join us and find your musical mojo today!!!

Sound Roots School of Modern Music

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adult Classes starting SOON!!!

We are thrilled to be offering two new classes this fall just for adults! Who said kids get to have all the fun?

Are you a rock star in your soul? Unleash your inner Elvis and Janis in this rock camp for adults! It’s all the fun of being in a real live rock band without the hassle of celebrity and contracts. Beginners welcome.

Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Sign Up Online!


Train your ear to be able to hear other musicians in a way that enables you to “speak” the language of the music together! Intermediate level experience recommended.

Mondays @ 6:30pm
Sign up Online!